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Adhesives Blog & News

DeepMaterial is consumer industrial adhesive glue manufacturer and supplier in china.
We are focus on the latest science and technology about adhesives,  and we make them to industrial appliaction.

Are You Using Your Adhesive Equipment Every Day?

Adhesive application is critical for many manufacturers. We work with many companies that use adhesive and apply it in specific ways using different machines. Every manufacturer has their own nuances when it comes to production. Our team has helped troubleshoot glue application challenges regardless of what equipment they use. In this article,...

Reducing Plastic Dependence by Using Upcycled Adhesive

The world is currently choked with plastics: eight million metric tons of plastic are dumped into the ocean every year, and if this trend continues, an estimated 12 billion tons of plastic waste will be present in the environment by 2050. Recycling, properly disposing, and preventing this waste from happening...

Expert Advice on Gluing for Board Games and Puzzles

Over the years, Deepmaterial has worked with various unique manufacturers, especially in board games and puzzle making. Glue is critical when sticking beautiful, engaging artwork to paperboard and chipboard. Today, let’s dive into the unique industry of board game and puzzle manufacturing and the role glue plays in helping these...

The Role of the Adhesives Industry in Electric Vehicles

In countries all over the world, the auto manufacturing industry is spending significant resources to make the transition from internal combustion engines (ICEs) to battery electric vehicles (EVs). It is estimated that by 2025 electric vehicles will hit 10% of global passenger vehicle sales and jumping forward to 2040, it...

Adhesives and Sealants: What’s the Difference?

Industries that use both sealants and adhesives have created a list of vernacular associated with each term, which are often interchangeable or similar. Most often, these materials are applied using meter/mix dispensing solutions offered for industrial projects. However, while the ways these two materials work on a fundamental level are comparable...